January 01, 2005

Western Rivers Conservancy Completes First Phase of Hoh River Acquisitions

Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC) has made its fourth and final purchase from Rayonier Timber Company along the Hoh River and completed its first phase of Hoh River acquisitions! We purchased a 1,000-acre property, known as the Hoh Oxbows, which includes a large swath of floodplain forest, the lower portion of a tributary called Anderson Creek and an important boating access site known as Nolan Bar. WRC plans to maintain the launch site at Nolan Bar in order to ensure that the angling community has boating access on the lower Hoh.

Over the past three years, Western Rivers Conservancy has acquired 3,500 acres of Hoh riverlands from Rayonier. The Hoh Oxbows purchase brings WRCs total ownership in the Hoh River valley to 4,500 acres. We are now well over halfway to our goal of acquiring the 7,000 acres of corporate-owned riverlands in the Hoh valley. The lands purchased from Rayonier have been conveyed to the Hoh River Trust, the non-profit entity that will manage the lands for the benefit of fish, wildlife and people as part of the Hoh River Conservation and Recreation Area.

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