In the heart of Big Sur, California, Western Rivers Conservancy has protected over 1,500 acres of fish and wildlife habitat along 2.3 miles of the Little Sur River by returning two properties to the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County.
Western Rivers Conservancy protected a key piece of a major migration corridor for elk, mule deer, pronghorn and other animals and opened access to five miles of Tarryall Creek by creating the Collard Ranch State Wildlife Area with Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Western Rivers Conservancy is working in the Big Hole Valley to deliver water for imperiled fluvial Arctic grayling, to preserve recreational access, and to protect habitat for the area’s diverse wildlife.
Learn more about our impact and why we buy land along rivers. Meet the WRC staff and board, read our annual reports and meet the partners who help us get the job done.
WRC buys and conserves land along rivers throughout the American West. Learn more about our projects, state by state, from Washington to California, Oregon to Colorado, and beyond.