October 01, 2005

Western Rivers Conservancy Poised to Make Purchase on Deer Creek, a Biological 'Hot Spot'

The Illinois River watershed is thought to have the highest biological diversity in the Klamath-Siskiyou bio-region of southern Oregon and northern California. Two years ago, Western Rivers Conservancy protected nearly 900 acres along the Illinois River near its confluence with the Rogue River.

Now, we have another exciting project underway in the Illinois River Valley: conserving a large ranch on Deer Creek, a major tributary of the Illinois. The 870-acre property and ranch buildings will become a center for ecological research, environmental education and riparian restoration. As an outdoor classroom and laboratory, the facilities will be an asset to several area educational institutions involved in the project, including the Siskiyou Field Institute, Southern Oregon University and Humboldt State University.

"This site will allow Siskiyou Field Institute to expand its cadre of field-based natural history courses to serve people aged six to eighty with comprehensive, year-round programs," says Sue Parrish, Director of the Siskiyou Field Institute. "This will build southern Oregon's brain trust, its commitment to a pristine environment and a sustainable economy for generations to come - truly a rare opportunity!"

WRC is just weeks away from closing purchase of the ranch, with plans for Siskiyou Field Institute to take over ownership next year. A private foundation in Georgia has offered a $3 million challenge grant to fund the project.

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