January 07, 2019

Upcoming WRC events in Southern California

Interested in learning more about WRC? Here are some places we will be in February....
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December 27, 2018

A Second Success on a First Rate Trout Stream

Completing our efforts on the Rio de Los Pinos, Western Rivers Conservancy has permanently protected some of the finest trout water in Colorado. In October,
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December 21, 2018

Saving a Salmon Stronghold

On California’s South Fork Antelope Creek, WRC has acquired a property with some of the best fish and wildlife habitat in and around the Lassen National
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October 30, 2018

Colorado Now Home to Country’s Newest National Conservation Area

Last month, Western Rivers Conservancy dropped the final piece into place in the effort to create the country’s newest unit of the National Wildlife
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October 30, 2018

WRC Launches Its First Project in Washington's Methow Valley

The Methow Valley is a spectacular notch of cold rivers, pristine wilderness areas, rolling foothills and tiny, historic towns that cuts across eastern
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October 30, 2018

Conserving Salmon Streams in Wine Country

In Sonoma County, California, Western Rivers Conservancy has set out to protect a rare swath of old-growth redwood forest and rolling oak woodlands along a
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