June 23, 2014

The Rio Roosevelt

About rivers, Theodore Roosevelt was passionate. That passion changed the character of rivers, landscapes, and life in the Western U.S. More about that later,
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April 29, 2014

Big Mammals, Rare Trout and a National Scenic Trail

In the remote northeast corner of Washington, Big Sheep Creek snakes its way out of the Monashee Mountains and winds through a wide valley of conifer forests,
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April 29, 2014

Ten-Year Anniversary of the Hoh River Project

The Hoh River is one of the most beautiful and biologically diverse river corridors in the country. Ten years ago, WRC set out to purchase and conserve all the
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April 29, 2014

WRC Expands “Chahalpam” for Imperiled Fish and Wildlife

This spring, Western Rivers Conservancy continued an exciting project on Oregon’s North Santiam River that will complete an assemblage of protected
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April 29, 2014

Recovery Efforts Continue on Key Salmon Stream

This February, in an effort to restore some of the highest-priority salmon and steelhead habitat in the Grande Ronde, Snake and Columbia River basins, Western
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February 20, 2014

Returning Flows to a Prized Colorado Trout Stream

Since 2012, Western Rivers Conservancy has been working to reestablish year-round flows on the Little Cimarron River, an outstanding Colorado trout stream and
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